She has no legs but dances with abandon. She is hearing-impaired but can sense the vibrations of music. Kiran, who was found abandoned at the railway station in 2008, is now the brand ambassador of the State Commission for Protection of Child.“Three years ago, we rescued 10-year-old Kiran, form the railway station. She had no legs and is also speech and hearing impaired. In June this year, Kiran was fitted with a
famous Aluminum multi ladder manufacturers pair of prosthetic legs and it has changed her life. With her new legs, Kiran can now dance to her heart’s content. She dances, falls, rises again to dance and the joy on her face is infectious”, says a member of the NGO Drishti Samajik Sansthan that took her under its care. Even though Kiran excels in sports and academics, she wants to do something ‘big’ in her life. With her courage and determination, Kiran has proved to be an inspiration for other differently-abled children in the home. As she shakes her leg, sitting on a chair, the other children clap with glee. “There are many children like Kiran who need love, care and encouragement to stand up on their feet - not always literally-and become self reliant. There is an utter lack of resources- Uttar Pradesh does not even have a home for disabled or multi-disabled orphans,” the member said.Saksham Foundation, on this basis, had filed public interest litigation in the high court seeking directions for the government to construct homes for differently-abled orphans. The court had, in December 2010, ordered the state government to fund shelter homes for specially-abled children but the issue has been left on the shelves.Commenting on the matter, a social activist, Neerja Pahadi, said, “The political parties are totally unconcerned about such people simply because they do not form a vote bank. They cannot hold demonstration and do not belong to one caste group. The government remembers them only on the World Disabled Day and then moves on”.Most of the differently-abled children, according to Neerja, are from low income groups and have been abandoned by families that cannot bear to fee an extra mouth and care for the child. “Some are rescued by NGOs while others take to begging and get sexually abused on the streets”, she added.